Join us for our 2025 Events

tours every Sunday

May 4 to October 26: 11:00 AM till 3:00 PM

No Reservation Required

ANnUal Mother’s Day event

Sunday May 11: 8am-4pm breakfast, tours, BBQ!

Click here for Details

Emma’s Breakfast $12

Pancakes, Fried Potatoes, Egg Bake / Coffee, Tea, OJ Proceeds to benefit Knickerbocker Mansion & Emma Foundation

providing scholarships to Waldorf School of Saratoga

Sunday August 3rd 8:00AM - 11:30AM

Mansion open for tours 9AM-3PM


Emma Foundation Chicken BBQs $18

July 12 4:30pm - 6:00pm / August 23 4:30pm - 6:oopm

includes half a chicken, sides and dessert.


Proceeds to benefit Knickerbocker Mansion & Emma Foundation

providing scholarships to Waldorf School of Saratoga

Eat in under the Pavilion or Take Out

Mansion open for tours!

ANNUAL KnickerBocker Harvest Festival

September 27 & 28: 8am-4pm

Breakfast, farm stand, pies & delicious baked goods, Chicken & biscuit dinner, tours & Historical re-enactments - Details

‘knick at night’ Halloween Tours

October 24 & 25: 5-9pm

Ghostly visits, Stories & candle light tours - details

come visit us!


Directions to the Mansion:

From Albany: 

Take the Northway (Route 87) north to exit 9. At the exit turn right, follow Route 146 east to Mechanicville. Go through Mechanicville until you come to Route 67 east. Follow Route 67 east across the Hudson, travel east 3 miles, turn left on Knickerbocker Road. The Mansion is the first building on the right.

From Troy: 

Take Route 40 north to Schaghticoke. At the red light as you approach the village, turn left on Route 67, travel west toward Mechanicville. Drive 3 miles west, turn right onto Knickerbocker Road. The Mansion is the first building on the right.